Well the past few days I decided to end that cycle! I spent hours looking for old bucket lists in wallets, old notebooks, journals, etc, and compiled everything onto my computer. That's one of the beauties of modern technology, I can save all the papers and lists I want into one little hard drive!
Side note: fun fact about Lindsey. I'm obsessed with lists. I love them to death. I make a list for everything. Shopping lists, bucket lists, lists of other lists I need to make, to do lists, to don't lists, and every other kind of list you can think of.
So anyways... I've come up with my bucket list so far. It surprised me how many things I could think of that I want to do.
Run a marathon
Pet a zebra
Shake the prophet’s hand
Get married in the temple
Visit Africa on a service trip
Move to Europe solo for 6 months with just a back
Foster parent dogs
Kiss a complete stranger
Ride a hot air balloon
Ride a hot air balloon
Play hide and seek in IKEA
Take a train ride that lasts over 24 hours
Have a pen pal I’ve never met
Own a nice camera
Drive a corvette
Attend a real masquerade
Go a week without any electronics
Meet Lady Gaga
Climb to the base of Everest
Donate blood
Donate hair to locks of love
Live by the beach
Learn to drive manual
Play messy twister
Visit Antarctica
Walk on the great wall of China
Play a part in a movie or TV show
Take a yoga/meditation retreat in India
Run the Color Run
Run the Warrior Run
Serve a full time mission
See a Broadway show in NY
Visit all 50 US states
Go shooting, try different kinds of guns
Attend the Olympics
Go to drive in movie on a date
Visit the walk of fame
Watch the running of the bulls in Spain
Snorkel in Hawaii (Done, February, 2013)
Go apple picking
Get a real henna tattoo
Go to the top of the Eiffel tower (Done, June, 2005)
Go bridge jumping
Hold a tarantula
Hold a giant python
Ride an elephant
Take a trapeze class
Go to a soccer game in full body paint
Do a cart wheel
Shop at the Mall of America (Done, most of my childhood I grew up in MN)
Go to a music festival dressed as a dirty hippie
Spend Halloween in Salem
Go para-sailing
Buy something at the Tiffany store
Have a picnic by a river and feed the ducks
Visit the Globe Theatre (Done, June 2005)
See the Mona Lisa (Done, June, 2005)
Write on the Bucket List wall in New Orleans
Participate in a big food fight
Fly on any European airline
Have temple-work road trip in Utah
Buy (and wear) a claddagh ring
Own a pair of louboutins
Get a picture with every princess at
Swim with a wild shark (Done, Feb, 2013)
Go one month eating only fruits and veggies
Be in the audience for the Ellen show
Go to Carlos bakery and have a cannoli
Do a Chinese fire drill
So there you have my bucket list so far! I'm sure I'll add to it throughout my life, as well as check things off! My advice to anyone making their own bucket list: dream big! Don't be afraid to write down something you think might never happen, because if you want it enough and it's worth it, you'll make it happen. Also, put a variety of big and little adventures on your list. As you can see my adventures range from going to Africa to doing something as simple as a cartwheel (which I've still never done!). That way you can always be progressing on your list. You don't have to wait until you can take 6 months off of work or school to back pack around Europe, you can say to your friends "hey, messy twister is on my bucket list, come over tonight!"
So enjoy your bucket list experience, dream big, and follow through! If you've already done something really awesome, put it down on your bucket list and check it off! It will remind you of the adventure and how it might have been a once in a lifetime chance!
Thanks for reading! Come back soon for more awesomeness!
PS: for anyone who watches the Bachelorette.... I just watched the first part of the finale on Hulu. I'm really glad Brooks left, I didn't like him at all. Team Drew right now, even though Chris seems like a sweetheart as well! Sorry, had to get that off my chest!!
Don't be afraid to email me any questions at sistersparhawk@hotmail.com or comment below!